7.20 GBX

  • 0.00 (0%)

Number of Securities in Issue

The Company’s issued share capital consists of 1,009,417,295 fully paid Ordinary Shares of £0.000001 each (‘Ordinary Shares’), each share having equal voting rights.

The Company does not hold any Ordinary Shares in treasury and therefore the total number of Ordinary Shares with voting rights is 1,009,417,295

(As of 31 December 2024)

NameNumber of Ordinary Shares% of Share Capital
Jim Mellon*156,106,55215.76%
Hargreaves Lansdown Nominees Limited117,818,09611.67%
Interactive Investor Services Nominees Limited 70,049,5436.94%
Interactive Brokers LLC42,373,5574.20%
Lawshare Nominees Limited32,079,0623.18%
HSDL Nominees Limited28,206,2662.79%

*Shares are held directly by Jim Mellon and through Galloway Limited, which is indirectly wholly owned by Jim Mellon, Denham Eke is a director of Galloway Limited

Directors’ Shareholdings

(As of 31 December 2024)

NameNumber of Ordinary Shares% of Share Capital
Jim Mellon156,106,55215.47%
Richard Reed*6,354,4120.63%
David Giampaolo2,434,7830.24%
Denham Eke1,551,8240.15%

*Richard Reed’s shares are held via Reepa Limited

Percentage of the Company’s Issued Share Capital that is not in Public Hands

In accordance with the AIM Rules (Rule 26), in so far as the Company is aware, the percentage of the Company’s issued share capital that is not in public hands is 16.79%. (Last Updated 31th December 2024)

Shareholders’ Rights

As Agronomics Limited is incorporated in the Isle of Man, shareholders’ rights may be different from the rights of shareholders in another jurisdiction.